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Showing posts with the label Christianity and Psychology

Reproduction: Who Controls Women’s Bodies? Christian Theologies and Psychology

Reproduction: Who Controls Women’s Bodies? Christian Theologies and Psychology By Geoffrey W. Sutton [No reviews yet] Book Summary This book deals with the subject of who is in control of women’s bodies. The focus is on three main issues related to the primary question of who is in control of reproduction. Who is in control of contraception?  Who is in control of pregnancy care?  What can women do about infertility? It is part of a series examining the difficulties integrating Christian theologies and the scientific study of human behavior typically associated with psychological science and evidence-based psychotherapies. Table of Contents Preface 1.  Introduction 2. Who is in control of contraception?  3. Who is in control of pregnancy care?  4. What can women do about infertility? 5. Reflections on Conflicting Worldviews References

Exploring Psychology and Christian Faith by Moes & Tellinghuisen

Exploring Psychology and Christian Faith  An Introductory Guide   by Paul Moes and Donald J. Tellinghuisen A review by   Geoffrey W. Sutton PhD Exploring Psychology and Christian Faith by Paul Moes and Donald J. Telling-huisen is an introductory guide that bridges the gap between psychology and Christian theology. The book is structured around five key themes of human nature from a biblical perspective: • relational persons, • brokenness and the need for redemption, • embodiment, • responsible limited agency, and • meaning-seeking The authors explore various psychological concepts students encounter in Introduction to Psychology Courses such as research methodology, brain and behavior, consciousness, sensation and perception, learning, memory, decision-making, developmental psychology, emotion, social psychology, personality, psychological disorders, and therapy. Each chapter includes discussion questions and reflection prompts to help readers integrate their faith wit...