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Showing posts with the label Christian culture

7 Biblical Arrows Aimed at Queer Hearts: A Review of Those 7 References

7 Biblical Arrows Aimed at Queer Hearts:  A Review of Those 7 References by J. F. Dwyer CITE :  Sutton, G. W. (2025). 7 biblical arrows aimed at queer hearts: A review of Those 7 References. Interdisciplinary Book and Film Reviews. DOWNLOAD PDF REVIEWER: Geoffrey W. Sutton Book Summary Dwyer, J. F. (2021). Those 7 references: A study of "homosexuality" in the bible and its impact on the queer community of faith . Morehouse In a concise and accessible book, Episcopalian Priest John Dwyer elucidates the seven biblical references that some Christians use to criticize same-sex relationships. Following an introduction, Dwyer categorizes these seven texts into five chapters: (1) Genesis 19 and Judges 19, (2) Leviticus 18 and 20, (3) Romans 1, (4) 1 Corinthians 6, and (5) 1 Timothy 1. His approach is thorough and systematically organized. Each chapter begins with the relevant biblical passage, followed by an analysis of the pertinent words and phrases within the context of the chapt...

Reproduction: Who Controls Women’s Bodies? Christian Theologies and Psychology

Reproduction: Who Controls Women’s Bodies? Christian Theologies and Psychology By Geoffrey W. Sutton [No reviews yet] Book Summary This book deals with the subject of who is in control of women’s bodies. The focus is on three main issues related to the primary question of who is in control of reproduction. Who is in control of contraception?  Who is in control of pregnancy care?  What can women do about infertility? It is part of a series examining the difficulties integrating Christian theologies and the scientific study of human behavior typically associated with psychological science and evidence-based psychotherapies. Table of Contents Preface 1.  Introduction 2. Who is in control of contraception?  3. Who is in control of pregnancy care?  4. What can women do about infertility? 5. Reflections on Conflicting Worldviews References

Battered into Submission by Alsdurf & Alsdurf

Battered into submission:  The tragedy of wife abuse in the Christian home   by James and Phyllis Alsdurf Battered into Submission   begins with a nightmare. Lucille Tisland, a pastor's wife, shot and killed her husband. She reported his abuse including a threat to kill her and their children. Battered into Submission addresses the often overlooked issue of wife abuse within Christian homes. The authors, James and Phyllis Alsdurf, draw on extensive research and interviews with victims, abusers, and pastors to explore the psychological, spiritual, and personal impact of wife abuse. They highlight that abuse can occur even in homes where the husband is a Christian and the family upholds traditional values. The book calls on the church to acknowledge and address this issue, providing hope and healing to those affected. The authors tackle Christian teaching often directed at women to be in submission. They also reveal the large numbers of clergy who do not support a wife le...

Jesus-Life, teachings, revolutionary -a book review

  JESUS Uncovering the Life, Teachings, and Relevance of      a Religious Revolutionary By    Marcus Borg Reviewed by     Geoffrey W.Sutton   “ Jesus ” is a scholarly review of Jesus’ life and times. Marcus Borg carefully examines the gospels and the small amount of extrabiblical sources to help us understand Jesus' mission in the context of his life as a Jew from a small town under Roman domination. Borg acknowledges that all historical studies involve a degree of subjectivity, which he tempers by providing cogent reasons for his perspective thus allowing readers to form their judgment about his interpretation of the gospels and other available records. It is no secret that Christians are “ A House Divided ” about many matters. This is notably evident in the United States. And this is the author’s context. Borg begins by providing us with a perspective on divided Christianity. Instead of focusing on denominations, he refe...

The Meaning of Jesus: Two Visions

  The Meaning  of Jesus:      Two Visions By Marcus J. Borg & N. T. Wright Reviewed by Geoffrey W. Sutton In The Meaning of Jesus , two religious scholars take turns presenting different perspectives on the same salient events or topics about Jesus and his ministry. I’ll offer a brief summary of the eight parts followed by some comments. 1. How do we know about Jesus? Borg , a Jesus scholar, explains the source material that is available about the historical Jesus then takes readers through an easy-to-read introduction to methodology—how he uses the sources. Wright offers the traditional or conservative, albeit scholarly, perspective on understanding Jesus through the lenses of faith and history. 2. What did Jesus do and teach? Wright provides the sociohistorical context for Jesus mission. He stresses the importance of the fact that Jesus was a Palestinian Jew. He notes a few points about Jewish monotheism and Jewish eschatology—"history ...

The Last Week by Borg and Crossan

The Last Week    A Day-by-Day Account of Jesus’s Final Week in Jerusalem   By    Marcus Borg &    John Dominic Crossan Reviewed by    Geoffrey W. Sutton The Last Week     is, as the subtitle says, is a daily study of the events taking place during Jesus’ last week on earth. The authors structure their work by focusing on Mark’s gospel written about four decades after Jesus’ crucifixion. In the preface we learn the value of the week’s sequence spelled out by Mark, which allows the authors to trace the events leading up to the cross and the Easter celebration. Not surprisingly then, readers find eight chapters taking us from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday.  The clarity of writing and scholarly presentation of information missing from so many sermons make this an ideal read for Lent so I highly recommend it for Christians who are unclear on the significance of the week in the first century context of the Roman Empi...

The Passion of the Christ 2004 Movie Review

  The Passion of the Christ       Director   Mel Gibson Writers   Benedict Fitzgerald   & Mel Gibson Reviewed by   Geoffrey W. Sutton WARNING-- The Film is violent and not suitable for all audiences. The Passion of Christ is a graphic film that follows a composite story line of Jesus’ final hours that includes some extrabiblical traditions and artistic license. The opening of the film is set in Gethsemane where Jesus is praying, and his disciples are asleep. Throughout the film, the characters speak Latin or Aramaic. The film background explains that the Aramaic is a Syrian version. Judas has taken 30 pieces of silver from the Temple leaders in Jerusalem. Judas identifies Jesus with the infamous betrayal kiss. Jesus is arrested. Peter attempts a defence by cutting off a guard’s ear, but Jesus insists on putting down the sword and heals the man’s ear. John runs off to tell Jesus’ mother Mary and Mary Magdalene about the arre...

JESUS AND JOHN WAYNE - A book review

  JESUS AND JOHN WAYNE How White Evangelicals        Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation By    Kristin Kobes Du Mez Reviewed by    Geoffrey W. Sutton   Kristin Kobes Du Mez begins and ends her assault on militaristic white American evangelical men with their contemporary sociopolitical leader, former president, Donald Trump. In the Introduction we learn the short doctrinal list of what it means to be a Bible-believing evangelical, but the author posits that American evangelicals are more than a set of theological statements. Instead, since the early 1900s they have embraced a John Wayne view of what it means to be a Christian man—a powerful warrior for country and God—a man who leads his troops into battle to uphold the values of God’s chosen people, the Americans. It was the title, Jesus and John Wayne , that was off-putting. I didn’t grow up with John Wayne films or a love of American westerns. I was after...