Changing Our Mind
David P. Gushee
Reviewed by
Geoffrey W. Sutton
Changing Our Mind by David P. Gushee is a transformative book that explores the author's evolving views on LGBTQ inclusion within Christianity. Gushee, a prominent Christian ethicist, shares his journey from holding traditional evangelical views to advocating for full acceptance of LGBTQ Christians in the church. He examines biblical texts and theological positions, encouraging readers to reconsider their beliefs in light of new understandings and the lived experiences of LGBTQ individuals. The book is a call for empathy, inclusivity, and a more loving faith community.
I read the Kindle version of the third edition of Changing Our Mind as part of my research into Christian worldviews focused on Christian moral perspectives toward people who identify as LGBTQ. I had previously addressed the topic from the perspective of moral psychology in A House Divided (2016) and in a few research studies conducted with my students. Currently, I am working on a series of books addressing the problem of integrating Christianity and psychology. I purposely saved this topic for the third book in the series because Christians remain divided regarding how to view people who identify as LGBTQ and what to do about LG marriage. That said, following is an overview of Gushee’s work followed by some comments.
Changing Our Mind by David Gushee is organized into several key sections that guide readers through his journey and theological reflections on LGBTQ inclusion in Christianity:
Introduction: Gushee shares his personal journey and the reasons behind his change in perspective on LGBTQ inclusion.
Biblical Examination: He examines relevant biblical passages and their interpretations, discussing the historical and cultural contexts. Although I have read similar comments in various sources, some of which are in A House Divided, Gushee provides a thorough review of all the key texts Christians use when they articulate their positions.
Theological Reflections: Gushee explores various theological positions and arguments related to LGBTQ issues. Again, I was acquainted with these from prior reading, but I still find Gushee’s approach a helpful review.
Personal Stories: The book includes personal stories and testimonies from LGBTQ Christians and their families. I think this is always helpful for readers to think about the effects of their views on real people. As a psychologist, I am keenly aware of the pain experienced by Christians who have struggled with same-sex attraction.
Response to Critics: In the third edition, Gushee addresses criticisms and responses from traditionalists and other scholars. I think this could be helpful for a wide range of readers who may have to deal with the same criticisms. Alternatively, the responses offer those who disagree with Gushee a chance to respond to his positions.
Conclusion: He offers a vision for a more inclusive church and encourages readers to engage in compassionate dialogue and reflection.
The book also includes a study guide for small group discussions, making it a useful resource for churches and discussion groups.
Some Comments
1. I think Changing Our Mind would be useful for Christian psychologists, counselors, and other healthcare professionals who need to increase their competency in spirituality especially in an area that evokes spiritual struggles in people who identify as LGBTQ as well as their close friends and relatives. I hope it would also be helpful to people who identify as LGBTQ and their friends and family who care about Christian perspectives on their identity and relationships.
2. Although Gushee is obviously well-versed in Christian theology and ethics, I would caution those with less preparation from engaging in verbal battles with those who feel strongly about a different point of view. In my experience, it is nigh impossible to convince people to change their strongly held views on morality by means of argument––especially when such views are based on positions identified as the Word of God.
3. I like Gushee’s use of the Wesleyan Quadrilateral as an aide in thinking about this and other moral issues. For those unaware of this guide, here’s a brief version:
The Wesleyan Quadrilateral is a method for theological reflection used in the Methodist tradition, based on the teachings of John Wesley. It involves four sources that work together to shape one's understanding of faith:
Scripture: The primary source and foundation of Christian belief.
Tradition: The historical teachings and practices of the church.
Reason: The use of logic and rational thought.
Experience: The individual's personal and communal experiences of faith.
These four elements help individuals and communities discern and interpret theological issues, ensuring a well-rounded and balanced approach. [If you reorder the terms, you can form a memorable initialism of REST, which I hope gives some readers peace of mind.]
4. I was pleasantly surprised to see Gushee refer to the American Psychological Association as a source of scientific evidence that may inform moral theology. Of course, that has been my emphasis; however, it is only useful in discussions where Christians do not reject both psychology and positive views regarding LGBTQ Christians.
5. David P. Gushee is a minister. I think it important for readers to know that he was raised as a Roman Catholic and became a Southern Baptist convert in 1978. Currently, he no longer identifies as an Evangelical. I think this type of clarity is important for all Christian authors and speakers to communicate because the view of Evangelicals represented by the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) clearly states that marriage is limited to a one-man and one-woman relationship. Thus, regardless of how loving many evangelicals can be toward members of the LGBTQ community, they reject the possibility of loving relationships even for those LGBTQ Christians who are married.
6. I was hoping to find more on the topic of Transgender Christians since this remains a hot issue in American society in general as well as in the church. Although readers will not find much regarding transgender believers, they will find an excellent example of how to think ethically regarding issues like same-sex marriage.
Book Reference
Gushee, D. P. (2017). Changing our mind: A call from America’s leading evangelical ethics scholar for full acceptance of LGBT Christians in the church. Read the Spirit Books.
Book Author David P. Gushee
David P. Gushee is a distinguished Christian ethicist, Baptist pastor, author, professor, and public intellectual. Born on June 17, 1962, in Frankfurt, Germany, Gushee grew up in Vienna, Virginia, just outside Washington, DC2. He earned his Ph.D. in Christian ethics from Union Theological Seminary in 1993.
Gushee is currently the Distinguished University Professor of Christian Ethics at Mercer University and the Chair of Christian Social Ethics at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. He has also served as the President of the American Academy of Religion and the Society of Christian Ethics.
He is known for his activism in areas such as climate change, torture, and LGBTQ inclusion, and has authored or edited over 29 books, including "Kingdom Ethics" and "Changing Our Mind". Gushee's work has had a significant impact on Christian ethics and he continues to be a prominent voice in advocating for a more inclusive and compassionate faith community.
Changing Our Mind on AMAZON.
A House Divided on AMAZON.
Geoffrey W. Sutton, PhD is Emeritus Professor of Psychology. He retired from a clinical practice and was credentialed in clinical neuropsychology and psychopharmacology. His website is
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