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My Body is Not a Prayer Request - a review

  Disability Justice in the Church By  Amy Kenny in 2022 Reviewed by Geoffrey W. Sutton   Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. (James 5: 14-15a, NIV)   “God told me to pray for you.” Amy begins her challenge to Christians who dehumanize her, and all people with disabilities, by telling the tale of a prayer predator. She interrupts the woman’s plan, “I don’t need prayer for healing. My body has already been sanctified and redeemed.” Amy uses a cane and a wheelchair. Throughout My Body is Not a Prayer Request , we learn what Christians and medical people have said and done, which have had a cumulative effect of dehumanizing Amy. She has encountered many Christians who do not accept her as she is. Her work is an attack on the mentality of ableism . [ Read about ableism ] Part of

Columbine: A True Crime Story—A REVIEW

  Columbine: A True Crime Story— A Victim, the Killers  and the Nation’s Search for Answers,  2 nd  ed . By Jeff Kass, 2014 Reviewed by Geoffrey W. Sutton It’s 2022. We’ve heard of several mass shootings this year. Sadly, we know the routine. The news media head to the scene of the massacre. We get early reports from law enforcement. We see heart wrenching images of incredibly sad people near the scene where loved ones have fallen. We learn about the numbers of people killed and injured. We hear the familiar words of political leaders attempting to offer support. We hear about gun control and the need for more security. Sometimes we learn about life-costing mistakes. We see images of flowers and bears at makeshift memorials. We learn about funeral services. And then the images fade until next time. It was April 20, 1999 when Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold entered Columbine High School. They murdered 12 students and 1 teacher. More were injured—21 of 24 were injured by gunfire. C