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The Heart of Christianity: Rediscovering a Life of Faith


The Heart of Christianity: Rediscovering a Life of Faith

 by Marcus Borg

A review by Geoffrey W. Sutton

The Heart of Christianity offers Christians, and those wanting a better understanding of Christianity, a cogent look at two major divisions on what it means to be a Christian.

In the opening chapters, Borg contrasts two views by referring to them as an “earlier paradigm” and an “emerging paradigm.” The earlier view is the one familiar to those who flip on a TV and hear televangelists or conservative clergy talk about Christianity in terms of belief statements and what it means to be saved and headed for heaven after death. The emerging paradigm has come to be known as “progressive” in recent years. The two major components of the emerging paradigm are compassion and justice. These are at the heart of God and reflected in the mission of Jesus. These become the defining ways to follow Jesus’ way as Christians.

Borg reminds readers of that oft quoted verse that God loves the world. This love was displayed in the many stories that reveal Jesus’ compassion for those on the margins of society. These stories offer contemporary Christians examples of a way to be Christian in the world. Works of love reflect the love of God.

The second theme of justice presents Christianity as a political movement. However, the politics of faith are not like the regulation of human behavior presented by various contemporary groups concerned with a conservative perspective on morality. Instead, Jesus’ political critiques focused on transforming society by highlighting injustice. Christians may follow Jesus’ way by protests and votes aimed at reducing government oppression of minorities.

Several chapters deal with concepts common to Christian teaching. Here Borg clarifies the new way of appreciating traditional concepts like salvation, born again, eternal life, and the afterlife. He also imbues traditional practices like prayer and baptism with a new life-enhancing message.

Borg was an American professor so he naturally presented Christianity in the context of emerging immigration trends, which have introduced new religions with their distinctive beliefs and practices. Borg attempts to find similarities in religious experience and gently leads readers to consider how various religions offer paths leading to the same ultimate reality.

A series of nine short videos present the Heart of Christianity on YouTube. Following is the first clip.

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