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Raven Black by Ann Cleeves- a review


Raven Black  Shetland Series Book 1 by Ann Cleeves

Shortly after the New Year, Fran Hunter of Ravenswick finds incomer 16-year old Yorkshire lass, Catherine Ross, in the snow. She and her father were coping with the loss of her mother in different ways.  Black Ravens circle above her dead body. Fear quickly spreads in the community and Magnus Tait, a man on the margin of society, becomes the focus of suspicion by his neighbours. To make matters worse, another girl, Catriona Bruce, had disappeared eight years ago and Tait was a suspect in Catriona’s disappearance as well. Detective Inspector Roy Taylor, a large and energetic Englishman working in Inverness, joins local Shetland Detective Inspector Jimmy Perez and sergeant Sandy Wilson. As they solve Catherine’s murder, they also discover what happened to Catriona’s as well. In the background, a romance develops between Fran and Jimmy.

I have a paperback version and recommend this to those who enjoy slow and thoughtful styles of British crime mysteries and appreciate learning new words that add to the texture of Shetland culture.

Here's a map of Shetland featuring some of the places in the series.

Read more about the Shetland Series and the Shetland Islands

Availability: Raven Black  Paperback   and an   Audiobook

AMAZON sometimes offers a FREE TRIAL of their Audible product for audiobooks.


You may find the book, Mind the Gap, interesting.

Mind the Gap…Between British and American Language & Culture

Available on AMAZON as  a  Paperback or   Kindle Book

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