Dr. Johnson's London is a book by Liza Picard that explores the city of London during the 1700s. The book provides a detailed account of the city's history, culture, and daily life during this period. It covers topics such as the city's architecture, transportation, food, entertainment, and politics.
I recommend this book is an excellent resource for anyone
interested in the history of London or the 18th century in general. In addition, Picard divides the chapters into "bite-sized" units making it easy to grad a read when you only have a few minutes between appointments or activities.
L. (2001). Dr. Johnson's London: Life in London 1740-1770. St. Martin's
Available on Amazon
Geoffrey W. Sutton, PhD is Emeritus Professor of Psychology. He retired from a clinical practice and was credentialed in clinical neuropsychology and psychopharmacology. His website is www.suttong.com
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