High Conflict
by Amanda Ripley
Reviewed by
Geoffrey W. Sutton PhD
High Conflict: Why We Get Trapped and How We Get Out by Amanda Ripley delves into the toxic landscape of high conflict – disputes that escalate into an intractable state of binary opposition. Unlike healthy conflict, which can lead humanity to a better future, high conflict distills into a good-versus-evil feud, where the normal rules of engagement no longer apply. In this state, our brains behave differently, and we become increasingly certain of our own superiority.
High Conflict explores real-life stories of individuals drawn into high
conflict, including a world-renowned conflict expert in California, a Chicago
gang leader seeking vengeance, and liberal Manhattan Jews and conservative
Michigan corrections officers attempting to understand each other better.
Despite the forces that drive people into high conflict, the book reveals that
individuals and communities can break free from its grip by rehumanizing and
recategorizing opponents, reviving curiosity, and transforming conflict into
something positive. It’s
a mind-opening perspective that can transform how we navigate the world.
In High Conflict, Ripley provides valuable insights into the nature of high conflict and possible approaches to reducing the level of conflict to nonviolent and civil disagreements or even ending conflict in favor of a solution. Although I prefer a greater reliance on evidence derived from the application of scientific methodology, the examples in the book do provide real-world data worthy of stimulating discussion when planning research. The suggestions following the main text are also worth considering in conflict situations.
APA format reference
Ripley, A. (2021). High
Conflict: Why We Get Trapped and How We Get Out. New York: Simon &
Schuster. pp xiii + 274 + end material.
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Geoffrey W. Sutton, PhD is Emeritus Professor of Psychology. He retired from a clinical practice and was credentialed in clinical neuropsychology and psychopharmacology. His website is www.suttong.com
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