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Why I Became an Atheist-John W Loftus- A Book Review


Why I became an Atheist:      

A Former Preacher Rejects Christianity 


  John W. Loftus

 Reviewed by

 Geoffrey W. Sutton

John Loftus explains his reasons for becoming an atheist in a way that’s quite different from the likes of Dawkins (2006) and Harris (2004). Loftus knows Christianity from the inside and the outside. He graduated from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and served as a pastor. The text reveals his familiarity with Christian theologies and apologetics.

The author covers some familiar territory by reviewing the problems with the classic arguments for the existence of God. These arguments are commonly presented in philosophy of religion courses. As is commonly known, the arguments do not offer a pathway to belief in the God of the Bible or another god. Loftus presentation is even-handed and not belligerent.

He also challenges Christian views of the Bible. As might be expected, he points out problems with the texts and the associated difficulty of accepting the Bible as infallible or authoritative.

Loftus presents his views in terms of three categories. One category is the outsider test for faith. That is, how would various biblical stories sound to someone who is not a Christian. He presents readers with stories that would sound strange to an outsider like the story of Jonah and the fish.

A second category or theme is the problem of discovering biblical truth in ancient stories reflecting superstitious beliefs about the causes of events. The Bible contains stories about God's life-destroying earthquakes and a world-wide flood. These events are interpreted by biblical writers as God's punishment for sin. Although Loftus is an atheist, Christians also question the attribution of natural disasters to God who is presented by Jesus as a loving father.

The third category deserves more attention by thoughtful readers as he tackles the problem of evil. He presents the arguments well. Thoughtful readers will recognize that there are no easy answers to the presence of evil.


There are several Christian beliefs that Loftus challenges as unreasonable or improbable. These include Jesus' virgin birth, Jesus as God incarnate, and the physical resurrection of Jesus. He quotes evangelical and atheistic sources as he strives to engage readers in reconsidering these Christian traditions.


Loftus sums up his project: “I have done what they asked me to do. I’ve examined and evaluated Christianity with the standards of reason and modern science and concluded the Christian faith is not a reasonable faith” (p. 402).



John Loftus provides some insights into his spiritual journey at the beginning of the book. I include them here because they represent my interest in the psychology of religion. In this case, Loftus offers us insights into conversion and deconversion of a person who is clearly a highly intelligent thinker.

He converted to Christianity at age 18 after a decidedly “un-Christian” lifestyle, which he succinctly describes as featuring alcohol, drugs, and sex. By all appearances, he became a committed Christian with a passion to serve Christ. He attended seminary and served as a pastor. Three events appear critical in his deconversion.

First, Loftus had an affair, which of course garners much unwanted attention for any ardent Christian—especially clergy. Second, he, like many others, struggled with the Genesis story of creation, which appeared to contradict scientific evidence. And third, after resigning from the ministry due to the affair, he continued to experience spiritual struggles. Concerning these experiences, he wrote: “This was the last blow to my faith and one of the reasons why I am an atheist today” (italics in the original, p. 31).

The deconversion experience leading from Christianity to atheism is of course based on Loftus’ recollection of events. However, it is noteworthy to consider the role of emotions in these experiences. Although Loftus’ work relies heavily on reason to show why select Christian beliefs or biblical events are unreasonable, it is hard to avoid wondering about the intensity of feelings that might accompany his spiritual struggles. Rather than attribute emotions to an author I do not know, I offer this reflection to suggest looking deeply at the emotional component that gives energy to religious and spiritual conversions and deconversions.

Loftus also offers insights into consideration of another principle of psychology called sunk costs. People have a tendency to invest heavily into a career. On the one hand, Loftus invested personal resources in obtaining a seminary degree and working as a pastor. When investments go bad, many people cling to them or even invest more time and resources rather than admit to a loss. Walking away from faith and investing in a new identity as an atheist is a “cut your losses” type of move. Now he has invested in this new “career.” People are different in how they manage this investment of resources in faith. Many find it hard to move to a different church even when their current understanding of faith doesn’t fit well with their existing congregation.

As a psychologist, I also consider the role of human memory in dealing with ancient texts. Such considerations can accommodate differences in recall by eye witnesses. This will not help Christians who require a perfectly accurate text but an acceptance of the human factor in the works of biblical authors may allow some Christians to focus on the meaning of a give text or perhaps an acceptance of a literary presentation of a conversation reported perhaps 30-40 years before it was written in a gospel. One evangelical scholar, Craig Keener,  recently acknowledged the contribution of memory research.

Finally, I wonder if his spiritual career might have been different if compassionate Christians had offered him restorative support following his affair or if he had found a home in one of the progressive Christian congregations with support from progressive writers who offer a Christianity based on following Jesus' Way rather than affirming a set of belief statements.

Read More About Atheists and Religion CLICK HERE

Read About Progressive Christianity CLICK HERE

Loftus' Book, Why I Became an Atheist is available on Amazon and Google Books 




 About the Author

John W. Loftus is a former Christian minister and apologist who is now an atheist. Following graduation from Great Lakes Christian College, he earned M.A. and M. Div. degrees from Lincoln Christian Seminary and a Th.M. from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. In addition to taking courses toward a Ph.D., he taught classes on apologetics and philosophy at Christian and secular colleges.


Dawkins, R. (2006). The god delusion. New York: Houghton Mifflin.

Harris, S. (2004). The end of faith: Religion, terror; and the future of reason. New York: WW. Norton.

Loftus, J.W. (2008). Why I became an atheist: A former preacher rejects Christianity. Amherst, NY: Prometheus.

Sutton, G. W. (2010). Boundaries of faith and reason: Loftus’s path to Christianity and atheism.  Journal of Psychology and Theology, 38, 65-68. Research Gate Link   Academia Link

Sutton, G. W. (2009). [Review of the book The End of faith: Religion, terror, and the future of reason by S. Harris]. Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 28, 280-281.  Academia Link    Research Gate Link 

 Sutton, G. W. (2009). [Review of the book The god delusion by R. Dawkins]. Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health, 11, 235-239.   Academia Link    Research Gate Link  


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Articles: Academia   Geoff W Sutton   ResearchGate   Geoffrey W Sutton 


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